Clear It with Sidney | Hillman Foundation

Clear It With Sidney

The best of the week’s news by Lindsay Beyerstein

Clear It with Sidney

Sidney's Picks: Amazon Union Vote & Death on the Line

Photo credit: 

The Globe in the New York Daily News Building, Wally Gobetz, Creative Commons.

The Best of the Week’s News:

Sidney's Picks: Labor, the NLRB, and Space Lasers

Photo credit: 

John Schneider, Creative Commons. 

The Best of the Week’s News:

  • With appointments and executive orders, Biden signals that organized labor is a high priority in his administration. (LA Times)
  • What is the National Labor Relations Board and how does it affect the labor movement? (Teen Vogue)
  • Google workers in 13 countries announce the formation of Alpha Global, a global union alliance. (The Verge)
  • GOP Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene floated an antisemitic conspiracy theory that a space laser might have caused a deadly California wildfire. (Media Matters)

Sidney's Picks: Uber Drivers, Rioters, and Nurses

Photo credit: 

Rain Rabbit, Creative Commons.

The Best of the Week’s News:

  • Uber Drivers and labor unions sue to overturn California’s Prop 22. (CNN, LA Times)
  • Employees at the Canada Goose coat factory in Winnipeg say working conditions are for the birds. (Vice)
  • The legendary Chicago Reporter is fighting for survival. (The Nation)
  • Most House Republicans voted to finish what the Capitol rioters started. (Atlantic) 
  • New York’s Filipino nurses brace for the next wave of COVID. (NYT)

Sidney's Picks: An Attack Based on Lies, A Mystery Solved, and a Union for Google

Photo credit: 

Neil Schofeld, Creative Commons. 

The Best of the Week’s News:

Sidney's Picks: Racial Dialysis and Breathing on a Jet Plane

Photo credit: 

Duncan C, Renal Dialysis, Creative Commons. 

The Best of the Week’s News:

Sidney’s Picks: My COVID Vaccine; NYC Delivery Drivers Organize; Terror in Spokane

Photo credit: 

“The District Vaccinator,” Harper’s, National Library of Medicine. 

The Best of the Week’s News:

  • When will I get my COVID vaccine: An epidemiologist and veteran activist explains. (The Nation)
  • NYC delivery workers organize for a better life. DoorDash drivers would have to work for two days to buy a single share in the company. (The City)
  • A man with a political manifesto and an alleged pipe bomb threatened to blow up Teamster headquarters in Spokane, he has also been charged with setting a fire that nearly consumed the office of the Spokane County Democrats. (Fox 28)
  • The GOP’s poison pill to sabotage COVID relief. (American Prospect) 

Unifor's Triumph; Google's Surveillance

Photo credit: 

Unifor president Jerry Dias, by People’s Social Forum, Creative Commons. 

The Best of the Week’s News:

Sidney's Picks: Betting on COVID and Immigrant Teens Working Nights

Photo credit: 

Palm fruits, by CIFOR, Creative Commons.

The Best of the Week’s News:

  • Tyson Foods managers bet on how many of their workers would test positive for COVID, a wrongful death lawsuit alleges. (IA Capital Dispatch)
  • Why a $15 minimum wage triumphed in Florida, but Joe Biden did not. (In These Times) 
  • The hidden lives of immigrant teens working nights during COVID (ProPublica Illinois)
  • Rape, beatings, low wages: The palm oil used by beloved US beauty brands is produced under horrific conditions. (AP)

2021 Hillman Prizes: Call For Entries on Now!

Attention journalists, editors, and awards coordinators, the Call for Entries for the 2021 Hillman Prizes in Journalism is on now!

The Hillman Prizes celebrate investigative reporting and deep storytelling that highlights social or economic injustice and contributes to meaningful public policy change. 

Prizes are awarded in the following categories:

  • Book 
  • Newspaper Reporting
  • Magazine Reporting 
  • Broadcast Journalism 
  • Web Journalism 
  • Opinion & Analysis Journalism 

Hillman Prize winners will be awarded a $5,000 honorarium and a certificate at an event to be held in New York City on May 4th (or celebrated virtually, depending on the status of the coronavirus pandemic).

Deadline for applications is January 30, 2021. There is no fee to enter. 

Click here for full details, and to enter online. 

Sidney's Picks: Cop Sex Abuse Coverup, True Pay Equity, and Prop 22

The Best of the Week’s News:
