Sidney's Picks: Nabisco Strike & A Sketchy Police Algorithm
An Oreo, Nabisco’s signature product, Mihoda, Creative Commons 2.0.
The Best of the Week’s News:
- Workers at all US Nabisco bakeries are now on strike. Workers are fighting for middle class jobs and fair working hours. (Today, Vice, Stranger)
- Scattershot: How a secret police algorithm based on sketchy science and tweaked by human bias landed a man in jail for murder. (AP)
- Extremist GOP rep Lauren Boebert introduced legislation to help oil drillers, without disclosing that her husband made $1 million in energy consulting. (WaPo)
- Liar’s Remorse: She spread AZ election conspiracy theories, and it ruined her life. (AZ Audit)
- South Carolina politicians blow off millions in ethics fines. (Post & Courier)