2014 Canadian Hillmans Announced: Foster Care Fatalities, Car Crashes, and Racism in Paradise
Sidney Hillman Foundation announced the winners and honourable mentions for the 2014 Hillman Prizes today.
Congratulations to the winners, Karen Kleiss of the Edmonton Journal and Darcy Henton of the Calgary Herald, who were recognized for their expose of child deaths in provincial foster care.
Gabrielle Duchene and Carolina Touzin of La Presse received an honorable mention for their in-depth investigation pinpointing the exact locations of lethal car crashes in Quebec.
J.J. Adams, Cassidy Olivier, Cheryl Chan, Elaine O’Connor, Susan Lazaruk, Sam Cooper, Jon Ferry, Erik Rolfsen, Rafe Arnott, Ben Ngai, Katie Mercer, Jason Payne, Arlen Redekop, and Carolyn Soltau received an honorable mention for “Racism in Paradise,” a portrait of prejudice in a rapidly-changing British Columbia.
[Photo credit: vtgard, Creative Commons.]